In case you are wondering what your purchase actually supports, the Eleusian Epiphanies Patreon page has many public posts.
However, about 70% of its content is for free or subscribed members. $3 a month comes to what? 10¢ a day? A better dime you won't spend anywhere else.
The Patreon writings feature the monthly preAmble - stories and pictures of the days leading up to the Peripateos (pilgrimages), as well as travel & culture notes, and the whyfores of this pathless wander.
And yes! there is always the “free” membership! About 1/3 of the posts are published in that category. And all levels receive a 10% discount at the EEEmporium.
Come on over and let your curiosity get the best of you!
Your friendly neighborhood EEpiphanista